
To offer, on a free scholarship basis, a secondary course with special emphasis on subjects pertaining to the sciences with the end in view of preparing its students for a science career (Sec. 2, RA 366’l).


We are the leading science high school in the Asia pacific Region preparing our scholars to become globally competitive Filipino scientists equipped with 21st century skills and imbued with the core values of lntegrity, Excellence and Serviceto Nation.


Advancing premier high school STEM education for the people.


The main purpose of the PSHS education is the integral development of its scholars.

Each PSHS scholar has unique giftedness and potentials which should be recognized and nurtured so that each one develops them to the fullest extent possible.

The PSHS special science curriculum engenders in our scholars a passion for learning and inspires them to choose careers in science and technology and so contribute to national development.

The PSHS is most effective in an environment characterized by all-around performance excellence, a dynamic and collaborative leadership, outstanding facilities, resources and support alliances, and an unswerving commitment of serviceto the nation and to one another.

FORWARD Framework

Future-proof education means that the PSHS curriculum offerings will be enriched and be soundly based on the science of learning and evidence-based research. We need to embrace further technology and digital transformation. We need to rethink instructional delivery and assessment. The pandemic demands a hybrid approach to education. Future-proof education also demands that PSHS teaches students analytical skills and develop their creativity to cope with the new ways of living, thinking, learning, working, and building communities through science, technology, and innovation in the digital era.

Optimum human resource development aims to help build career paths for people and solve problems that arise within the organization, moving from compliance to leadership.

Reengineering administrative processes targets to improve organizational performance by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of processes that exist across the organization.

World-class outputs based on well-defined standards challenges us to advance our own level of quality measurement based on prominent model of comparative measurement which we can objectively use in making judgments.

Accessible intellectual property through appropriate use for public use and economic value means that outputs of government-funded research that resulted in intellectual property should lead to commercialization or utilization for public good.

Recognizable brand of STEM education upholds the PSHS niche in terms of quality and variety of academic offerings.

Deepening socio-emotional skills advocates development of crucial social and emotional life skills among PSHS students, teachers, and leaders by establishing a more caring school environment and climate.