1. Rationale

The Revised Guidelines on Promotion, Probation and Graduation of PSHS Students, which was approved by the PSHSS Board of Trustees in May 9, 2003, is hereby amended to better ensure quality standards in evaluating and assessing student performance.  The amendments shall also be a step to further harmonize the academic standards throughout the PSHS campuses nationwide and foster a greater understanding by the students of the rules and regulations governing their scholarship status.

  1. Policy

The desired characteristics of the PSHS scholar, as mentioned in the PSHS Vision, “…scientific mind, passion for excellence, dedicated to the service of country, and committed to the pursuit of truth”, if to be molded in the character of the scholars with the help of the school, the faculty and staff have to have nurturing characteristics themselves, and the school shall have programs that will see to it that the students fully develop their potential and become responsible citizens of the country and leaders for the future.

Needs of individual students differ, thus a well-rounded curriculum as well as various programs will have to be in place in order to address these needs.  Once these programs are in place, and the students are given every opportunity to adjust to the rigorous requirements for the scholarship provided them, the scholars are thus expected to perform according to expectations, both academically and behaviorally.

  1. Guidelines
    1. Good Standing
      1. A student is in good standing for the incoming school year if s/he meets the minimum academic and disciplinary standards in the previous year, namely:
        • s/he receives a final GWA of 2.25 or better;
        • s/he has no failing grade of 5.00 in any subject in the final quarter of the school year; and
        • s/he incurs three (3) or less unexcused days of absences.
    2. Probationary Status
      1. A student will be on probationary status for the incoming school year:
        • if s/he receives a final GWA below 2.25; or
        • if s/he has committed a major offense (at least Level III offense); or
        • if s/he incurs at least eight (8) days of unexcused absences.
      2. A student on probationary status is not allowed to be an officer in any school organization and shall not be allowed to represent the school in competitions.
    3. Termination of Scholarship
      1. Termination of scholarship means that the scholarship contract shall be unilaterally rescinded due to the student’s failure to comply with a particular provision in the contract.
      2. Grade 7-11/First to Third Year student shall be recommended for termination of her/his scholarship:
        • if s/he receives a failing grade of 5.00 in any subject in the final quarter of the school year; or
        • if s/he incurs thirteen (13) or more unexcused absences; or
        • if s/he has committed two (2) major offenses (at least Level III offense) within the school year; or
        • if s/he incurs two (2) successive probationary status.
    4. Graduation of Students
      1. A student in her/his final academic year at the PSHS is eligible for graduation if s/he meets the scholarship policy requirements on the following:
        • academic performance;
        • conduct; and
        • attendance.
    5. Ineligibility for Graduation of Students
      1. A student who fails to graduate shall not be issued a diploma as proof of her/his graduation.
      2. A student in her/his final academic year at the PSHS shall not be eligible to graduate should any of the following conditions be present:
        • if s/he receives a failing grade of 5.00 in any subject in the final quarter of the school year; or
        • if s/he incurs thirteen (13) or more unexcused absences; or
        • if s/he has committed two (2) major offenses (at least Level III offense) within the school year.
    6. Implementation
      The resolutions of the Campus Scholarship and the Management Committees for cases related to guidelines 1 and 2 above are immediately implementable.  For cases pertaining to guidelines 3, 4 and 5, the Executive Committee reviews and recommends resolutions to the Board of Trustees for the latter’s final decision.
    7. Separability Clause
      If for any reason, any provision of these guidelines is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the other parts not affected will continue to be in full force and effect.
    8. Repealing Clause
      All previous issuances inconsistent herewith are deemed amended accordingly.
    9. Effectivity
      This set of guidelines shall take effect within 15 days following publication in the Official Gazette of the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) of the UP Law Center, or in two newspapers of general circulation, and shall henceforth be known as “Guidelines on Promotion, Probation, and Graduation of PSHS Students”.