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1st Place - 12 Ptolemy
GAD Logo 12 Ptolemy


2nd Place - 12 Euclid

GAD Logo 12 Euclid



3rd Place - 11 Sirius


GAD Logo 11 Sirius



Below is a list of our GAD Accomplishments. For more details about the report, please select from the list.

2020 Accomplishments
2019 Accomplishments
2018 Accomplishments

2021 WMC advocacy streamer design Resized


            The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) defines Gender and Development as the development perspective and process that is participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self-determination and actualization of human potential.

GAD Paradigm

            According to Department of Science and Technology Gender and Development and Regional Support Service (2018), it is a people-centered development paradigm that recognizes gender equality as a fundamental value that should be reflected in development choices.

            Concerned with the social construction of gender and its impact on the lives of women and men, focusing more on women’s role in development and how their lives are affected by this.

What GAD is NOT

  1. It is not a “war of sexes”.
  • It is not telling women to be like men or to remove men from the equation.
  • It is telling women and men to expand their social space, so they can freely take on the role according to their individual capacities and not on the basis of sex.
  1. It does not pit women against men.
  • GAD allows women and men to actualize true roles.
  • It allows women to find their voice and let these be heard.
  1. It is not anti-male.
  • GAD’s principles is for women to become potential partners with men in contributing to national development and economic progress.
  • It’s also for them to both enjoy equally the benefits of development.
  1. It is not role-reversal but strives to understand relationships.
  • GAD is not exhorting women to stop doing housework and find employment. It is making them realize that their work at home allows others to do paid work outside of this sphere.
  • GAD is telling men and women that housework is a shared responsibility of the whole household.


Department of Science and Technology Gender and Development and Regional Support Service  (2018). A gender and development toolkit for the Department of Science and Technology.  Taguig City


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