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The PSHS-WVC research program's curriculum is being run by the Research Unit under the SMT Department of the Curriculum and Instruction Division. Its support and extension activities are sponsored by the PSHSWV-Pfizer Youth Science Research Program under the aegis of the Office of the Director.

The Research Unit's implementation of the Science Research Program hinges upon the core foundations of the
PSHS Mission and the PSHS Vision. To stay true to the PSHS Mission and Vision, the Research Unit is guided by its philosophies of teaching science research.



PSHSWVC Audio Library:

Audio courtesy of  Ed Angelo Bayag/Joseph Dennis Garrido

1. PSHS Hymn (Minus one){mp3}pshs_hymn{/mp3}

2. Philippine National Anthem (Instrumental){mp3}PHIL NAT'L ANTHEM{/mp3}


Video Library: 



coming soon...










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